Faster Internet And Better Phone Service

Get Speed out of Your Managed Wifi Hotspots

While most companies continue to rely on old equipment and old underground cables, ZTelco is different. Our managed wifi solutions reduce delay and jitter caused from wired signals. Even fiber cables are not immune to this drag on speed. Our solution transfers your data via microwave receivers in an encrypted beam traveling at the speed of light, bypassing most of the network relays required by wired signals. There is nothing faster and more reliable than microwave tower sites and ZTelco Managed Wifi Hotspots.

Did you know that microwave signals reduce the points of connection failure? Eliminating the wire literally reduces the number of places where your signal can fail.

Add Security to Your Wifi Hotspots

Giving customers access to your network comes with security concerns for everyone. More often we hear of companies who have had sensitive customer information stolen. Nothing can ruin your relationships with your customers more than losing their trust. Keep your customers’ trust by switching your wifi hotspots to ZTelco.

Get a Free Wifi Hotspot in Your Building.

Download our building installation guide to learn how you can earn a free Wifi Hotspot for your building, gym, or pool facility.